A grid-connected solar PV system uses solar modules as the power generation source. The power produced is fed into an inverter which changes the DC power output of the solar array to AC power compatible with the regional power grid regulations at the installation site.

The system allows for any on-site loads to be powered by a combination of power generated by the PV system and power drawn from the mains power grid. Excess power generated by the PV system will be exported to the power grid.

The major components of a grid-connect PV system are depicted in the figure below and include:

  • PV array

  • Inverter

  • Meters

Centralised or Utility-Scale Grid-tie PV Systems:

The existing electricity system typically consists of central power stations using a variety of fuel sources such as coal, gas, water (hydro) or diesel that provide power to end users via transmission lines and a distribution system. The power stations directly connect to the transmission/distribution system and the power produced by the power stations is consumed by end-users at their actual location such as factories, business and houses.

A central grid-connected PV system operates in the same way. A large PV array is directly connected to the transmission/distribution system.

Distributed Grid-tie PV Systems:

Distributed grid-connected PV systems are connected to the ‘load’ end of the electricity network. They are usually smaller PV systems, ranging from 1kWp to 100kWp. Distributed PV systems can be further divided into two categories: commercial and residential.

  • Commercial grid-tie PV systems

    They are typically greater than 10kWp and are located on buildings such as factories, commercial businesses, office blocks, shopping centres or retail shops. The power generated by these systems is typically consumed by the loads within the building.

  • Residential grid-connected PV systems

    They are typically in the 1 to 5kWp range and are installed on the roofs of houses and community buildings. The power generated by these systems is first consumed by any loads that are operating in the house during the day, with any excess power being exported to the grid.

    TS is one of the top rated companies in the installation of On-Grid / Grid Connected Solar PV Systems. TS has long years of experience in Centralized and Distributed Grid-Connected PV Systems. TS has executed thousands of projects ranging from 1kWp to MW scale across the world both commercial and residential in different geography and terrain. TS has the necessary expertise and experience to meet the varied requirements of its clients anywhere in the world.

On-grid solar system

In addition to these major components are the necessary cables, junction boxes, protection devices, switches, lightning protection and signage.

There are two general types of grid-connected PV systems.

  • Centralised or Utility-Scale Grid-tie PV Systems

  • Distributed Grid-tie PV Systems

white and blue solar panel system
white and blue solar panel system

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